Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Dear all, today (October 28, 2009) was a third day since we, Lake Zone Journalists started our five days training about the use of internet in our daily activities.

Led by our Trainer Peik Johanson we spent reasonable time to learn how to use emails (internet) as a tool in journalism.

The Trainer gave out to the participants some skills (email communication skills) and he stressed several time that it is very important to think before you write ana email and not when you write. According to him this is a good way of avoiding to write something which is boring or difficult to read and understood by the one you are intending to communicate with.

The Trainer also said that by using internet, Journalists can get press release through email instead of ordinary way like envelop etc.

Among other many things, on my side the salient subject of the day was how to use many different website like to look for any information you want arround the world. For instance Mr. Johanson showed us a website with the headline “African Studies Internet Resource where we found a lot of information about economy development, environment, health and internet in different African countries.

In fact this gave me a surprise because I recognized that there’s a lot of very useful information and written materials which we might need it but we couldn’t access them because of what I can call “internet illiteracy”

As I have said two days ago, it is my hope that after this training, we’ll not remain the same because we have learned a lot about internet so far. I have no an appropriate word to express what kind of people I am going to be but let me say that this is very fantastic!!

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